vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

Mood: weird

Nu stiu de ce dar zilele astea ma simt ametita. Simt ca timpul si lumea se misca in reluare in jurul meu si nu imi pot da seama de ce.
Mi-a zis Totto ca m-am ingrasat. Iar am o perioada in care am impresia ca sunt inutila si arat foarte aiurea. Nu stiu de ce va spun asta. Cred ca am nevoia sa mi se spuna ca nu e adevarat. Simt nevoia sa mi se faca complimente. Sunt o sensibila. Lame. Pathetic. But ME.
Have a good night y'all! :)

joi, 17 decembrie 2009

“Life, viewed rationally, and without illusion, appears to be a nonsense tale”

Life is nonsense because people forgot how to dream and because of that, most of them don’t have a goal. That’s why there’s chaos in the world, because human beings have become dull and busy with unimportant things. Life is a mystery that needs to be discovered with the help of dream, illusion and sensibility. But nowadays people don’t lay in the light-green grass gazing at the sky and imagine what clouds could represent anymore. They have forgotten that maybe singing and dancing in the rain on a hot summer day might help them relax and they have certainly forgotten how to really love. Love is now an old-fashioned notion.

But still, love is maybe one of the last and only things that makes people dream. It is often absurd and it makes no sense. Love drives people to madness and insanity. The power of love is absolutely amazing: it can make the world go nuts and while or it can save it if it needs to be saved.

In the XXI century, people are more preoccupied with small and unimportant problems like: “Hmm…what should I wear today?” and “I need money. How can I make some more?”. We have become obsessed with materiality. We need to have objects to feel good, we feel empty without them. We don’t read anymore, we don’t have any imagination left. Only innocent children have remained pure, but once they grow up they will be dragged into this vicious circle.

There are people out there in the world that have their own moral principles and they try to stick to them, they try to do good, not to hurt anyone, not to do wrong. And still, without them realizing, they might do just that, because someone’s good may be somebody else’s bad. Isn’t this a nonsense? In this kind of world, do we have any hope left? We can’t give up on it. We need to keep dreaming to a better world!

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2009

Ce tip de spirit am :))

Iata ca mi-am facut si eu un test. Ceea ce veti citi nu este a fost nicio surpriza pentru mine. Pentru voi este? Astept raspunsuri