miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

So...fiti atenti ce ne-a iesit noua, 3 oameni total diferiti, dupa ce unul dintre profesorii de engleza ne-a spus sa scriem fiecare dintre noi pe o foaie un cuvant, iar apoi sa ne 'imperechiem' cate 3 si sa facem o compunere in care cele 3 cuvinte sa apara. Eu, impreuna cu colegii mei am avut urmatoarele cuvinte: NOUN, MUSIC, FLOWER. There's no connection between these 3 words at first, is there? Now:

'Music is a powerful noun. It is the most precious of the arts. It amplifies feelings an it can induce a certain mood. Music is also important in a movie. It can change the whole message and it can make the movie better or worse, depending on the situation. Also, it is said that a person can be judged by the kind of music he or she listens to.
It is also believed that some music (like Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopain, Vivaldi, Verdi etc) helps a baby develop a better thinking. And it is known as a good factor for a better growing of the flowers.
The experts found out that water particles also react to different types of music. So...we encourage you to listen to classical music because it helps you remain sane!'

Yeah...that was about it. Interesting, isn't it? :)

sâmbătă, 3 aprilie 2010


Nu am chef de absoult nimic. Nu vreau sa plec la tara cu ai mei. De ce nu ma intreaba si pe mine cineva ce vreau sa fac? Chiar atat de neimportanta sunt? Sper macar sa ma lase la varmea, macar acolo o sa am ceva de facut...sper. Majoritatea cunoscutior de pe acolo sunt plecati in strainatate. Asa ca nu se stie exact daca o sa am sau nu ceva de facut. Ohh, well. Se mai intampla.
Imi doresc sa fiu mai importanta.